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Museum of American Art, and the name of the National Museum of History and Technology to the National Museum of American History.  Materials in support of these proposals, together with the copies of pertinent legislation, and a draft bill follow at the end of this report.  Because a major book on the Museum of History and Technology is scheduled for publication this fall, it was suggested that the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Board of Regents, request the Congressional Regents to introduce the legislation in time for action before the recess of Congress planned for early October.  Therefore, it was

VOTED that the Executive committee of the Board of Regents requests the Congressional members of the Board to introduce and support legislation to change the names of the National Collection of Fine Arts and the National Museum of History and Technology to the National Museum of American Art and the National Museum of American History respectively.

Mr. Webb noted that the Secretary forwarded this request and the appropriate materials to the Congressional Regents, who jointly introduced the proposed legislation in both the Senate and the House of Representatives in early September.

The Committee discussed the concern that Regent Mineta has expressed about the Smithsonian joining with the National Gallery of Art and others who need additional parking facilities for the Mall.  Some Regents believe the Smithsonian should continue to work with others on the parking problem but not undertake the leadership of this effort beyond the needs of the Institution.

Special note was taken of the extraordinary services which Dr. Caryl Parker Haskins has rendered to the Smithsonian over the course of his four terms, or twenty four years, not only as a Regent but as a most distinguished scientist.  In addition to his scientific interests and advice through his