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membership on the Regents' Executive Committee (of which he was Chairman, 1968 to 1972), Dr. Haskins has contributed greatly to many ad hoc committees of the Board.  At the suggestion of the Chancellor and the Secretary, the Regents were polled during the week of August 11, and the following motion was unanimously approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents awards the Henry Medal to Dr. Caryl P. Haskins in recognition of his manifold services to the Institution as a friend and a Regent, 1956-1980.

The Medal was presented to Dr. Haskins at the Regents' dinner, September 21. 1980 (see below).

Since Dr. Haskins feels that, although he is not covered (due to the grandfather clause), he should adhere to the Regents' new bylaw limited citizen Regents to two consecutive terms, the Chancellor had asked the Executive Committee to serve as a search committee to find a replacement for Dr. Haskins as a Regent from the District of Columbia.  Working from lists recently used to fill two vacancies and soliciting suggestions from all the Regents, from the chairmen of the Institution's two authorizing committees in the Congress, and from the Smithsonian staff, the committee considered the following list:

David C. Acheson
Clifford L. Alexander, Jr.
Lucius D. Battle
Alan S. Boyd
Joseph Califano
Daniel J. Callahan III
Joseph V. Charyk
Marshall Coyne
Richard England
Katharine Graham
Whayne Harvey Haffler
Nancy Hanks
Carla Anderson (Mrs. Roderick) Hills
Joseph H. Hirshhorn
Edwin K. Hoffman
Charlene Drew Jarvis
Abigail McCarthy
Charles E. McKittrick, Jr.
John W. Snow
Walter R. Truland
Rev. John T. Walker
Bennetta B. (Mrs. Walter E.) Washington
Walter E. Washington
David R. Waters