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would total $134,862,000.  The actual S&E request being submitted this September is $142,580,000.  Of this amount, $132,122,000 is based on target level figures for the Institution received from OMB in January 1980 and revised in June 1980.  An additional $10,458,000 is being sought over target for special programs consisting of a major acquisitions purchase fund ($10,000,000), along with funds for the one-time purchase of photocopying equipment now being leased by the Institution.

Changes from FY 1982 budget requirements as presented in the January 1980 Prospectus will be contained in the bureau and office projections; they are summarized below, with projected levels of S&E operations for FY 1986.

[[underlined]] Federal Salaries and Expenses [[/underlined]]

[[4 column table]]
[[headings are underlined]] 

[[program]] | FY 1982 Projected in January 1980 | FY 1982 Being Submitted to OMB | Projected FY 1986

Science | $ 45,875 | $ 43,608 | $ 50,403
History & Art | 21,042 | 20,314 | 24,281
Public Service | 2,629 | 2,621 | 3,094
Museum Programs | 10,386 | 9,861 | 13,221
Special Programs | 8,977 | 18,699 | 11,268
Administrative, Financial & Support Services | 8,995 | 8,932 | 9,935
Facilities Services | 33,758 | 35,334 | 46,488
Necessary Pay & Inflation* | [[underlined]] 3,200 | 3,211 | - [[/underlined]]

[[totals]] | $134,862 | $142,580 | $158,690

*Inflation amounts for utilities and property rentals are included in Facilities Services.  Projected FY 1986 levels of operation do not contain estimates for necessary pay, legislated pay increases or the effects of inflation (except utilities and rent).  Amounts will be incorporated when further instructions are received from OMB.