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Tampa Bay. Fla. Jany. 7. 1850

Mssrs Selden Esqr.
Treasurer of the U.S.


I have received the following Treasury Drafts payable to my order by the Asst. Treasurer U.S. [[? Mr.]] Orleans, La. No 748 on Int... Warrant No 704 for $10,000

Your abl- Servt-.
John C. Casey
Capt. U.S.A. and Special Agent for Seminoles


Tampa Bay Fla. Jany. 7. 1850

Mr. C. Clayton 
2nd Auditor Treasy.


I have received from the Treasurer of the U. States, the following Treay. Drafts payable to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] my order by the Afst Treasuer at Nw. Orleans La.
No 748 on Int....Warrant No 704 for $10,000. and for which I am accountable under the following Appropriation

[[underline]] Fulfilling treaties with Indians Fla. [[/underline]]

Very Respectfully 
Your Obd-. Servt-
John C. Casey
Capt-. U.S.A. & Specl Agent for Seminoles. Fla.


[[margin]] To Genl. R. Jones Adjt. Genl. [[/margin]]

Tampa Bay, Fla
Jany. 7. 1850.


I have received notice through Genl. Griggs that the Secy. of War had made (Dec 24) a requisition on the Secty. of the Interior for $100000 to be placed in my hands. Will you please to ask the Dept. to instruct the Asst. Treas. in Nw. Orleans to furnish me with gold. The bulk of Silver renders is unsafe for me to transport and keep. and the Amount to be paid to the Families of Indians would ^[[in silver]] be too bulky for safety. Very Respectfully. Your Obt-.Servt. 

John C. Casey
Capt. U.S.A. S/nle Agt.