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[[margin]] Pr. Steam Boat
Nov. 20

Sub office Tampa Bay Fla
November 12. 1849

Lieut - In reply to Yr of 9th. - purchase until Mr. Hooker is ready - but as Mr Addison in Hooker's asst. I do not understand the delay-

When out of funds, your receipt - for the beef, which should state on its face the monthly Return on which yr beef is [[?]] for - will be paid by Ft. Henry a Lt DeRussey

Very resplly
Yr ob. ser
[[signature]]J.C. Casey [[/signature]]Chf CS

  Lt. J Cellim}
Ft Bauford Fla}


 Pr. Mail 
 Nov 20 

Sub. Office Tampa Bay Fa.
November 19th. 1849.


I have the honor to enclose the Voucher (No.1 Abst, Cont: 3d. Gr. '49) called for in your letter of October 20th 1849.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.

Genl. Geo. Gibson}
          C.G.S. }
  Washington City}


Pr. Mail 
Nov 20 

Sub. Office Tampa Bay Florida
November 19th. 1849.


I have received your report of the 11th. The price named for Turtle at Indian River (5¢ gross is most exorbitant. Two cents in the shell is a high price, near the Turtle ground. With regard to Beef let no permanent contract be made - for in a little time it can be supplied from this side to Indian River for from 5 to 6¢   if not less.  Continue to advise me of what is going on on your side. From this side [[underlined]] the Line [/underlined]] is being continued across the Territory [[underlined]] via [[/underlined]] Ft. Fraser and Ft. Gardiner on Kissimmee to Ft. Pierce on Indian river, and will as soon as possible be occupied as far as Ft. Gardiner.

The Delegation of Seminoles from the West, were to have gone out from [[underlined]] Chokonikla [[/underlined]] to day to try and see their wild brothers here.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt

Maj. E. Van Dorn}
   Palatka Depot}
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Sub. Office Tampa Bay Fla.
November 19th 1849.


As depot A.C.S. at Chokko-Nikla you will make requisitions on this Depot for all Subsistence required at your depot and its dependencies.  Continue your regular monthly report of Supplies on hand and the average daily demands on your depot.

Let A.C.S. give receipts to the Beef contractor for all fresh beef received from him, in duplicate [[underlined]] (marking them duplicate) [[/underlined]] and reporting on face of said receipts the monthly return whenever the beef is, or will be, accounted for.

You will pay the contractor on receiving the duplicates (if made in dupl.) or receipts.

Mr. Lenier of Allafia will supply the posts from Fort Fraser to Fort Gardiner when occupied at six cents - the same rate as allowed to Mr. Hooker.

These arrangements are but temporary, and in a month or two I doubt not that far better terms can be made.

Lt. DeRussy will [[?]] you some corn for issue to Indians.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.

    Lt. A.S. Magilton}
A.C.S. Pea River Depot}

[[in margin]]
Pr Mail
Nov 20
[[/in margin]]

Sub. Office Tampa Bay Fla.
Novermber 19th 1849.


Your report of Supplies on hand on Nov. 1. of daily consumption - and of amount required for your depot & dependencies until December 31. was duly received.

By first conveyance the necessary supplies shall be forwarded to you.

I have to call your attention to the discrepancy between the report in question which calls for 1215 rations of Bread, and the requisition made by you for same period on Lt. De Russy which calls for no bread. 

The following articles will be sent to you from this depot.
 10 Bbls Bacon
  8   "[[Ditto for Bbls]] Pork
411 "[[|Ditto for Bbls]] Bread
  3   "[[Ditto for Bbls]] Beans
  2  "[[Ditto for Bbls]] Sugar
 60 lbs Candles
240 Lb Soap
  1 Bbl Onions
10"[[Ditto for Bbl]] potatoes
2 "[[Ditto for Bbl]] Krout 

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
what looks like a double or single p is usually a double s