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Subs. off. Tampa Bay. Fla.
March 3rd 1850


I have recd. yours of Feby 28th. Take up on your returns all the pork and beef that you receipted for to the Indians - in weight as recd. from me.  Account for what you kill and issue by usual provision returned, and for such as you deliver to other A.C.S. by their receipts. Your receipts given to Indians and are [[insert]] which I [[/insert]] paid [[strikethrough]] by me [[/strikethrough]], are my vouchers. No other papers are necessary.

Very Respt-
Your Obt. Servt=
[[signature]] John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt Spec. Agt.

Lieut. H. M. Black}
     Ft Meade, Fla}

-[[dividing line]]-

Sub. Office Tampa Bay
March 3 1836


Take up on your "Returns" all the Pork & Beef that you receipted for the Indians, (in weight)- as recd. from me.  Account for what you kill and issue by usual Provision Returns, and for such as you deliver to other A.C.S., by their receipts? Your receipts [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] given to Indians and on which are my vouchers. No other papers are necessary

Very Resptfully
Your Obt. Servt.
[[signature]]J.C.Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Chf. C.S.

Lt L [[strikethrough]] o [[/strikethrough]]. O. Morris
[[underlined]] A.A.C.S [[/underlined]]

-[[dividing line]]-
to A.A.C.S.
at Ft. Hamer,
"[[ditto for at]] Ft Chokonikla
"[[ditto for at]] Ft. Meyers,
"[[ditto for at]] Ft. Casey,
"[[ditto for at]] Ft. Church



Take up on your "Returns" (monthly) all the Pork that you may have receipted for to the Indians during the month-in weight as received from "J.C. Casey Ind. Agent"~

Account for what you kill and issue by the usual Provision Returns, and for such as you deliver to other A.A.C.S. by their receipts~

Your receipts given to Indiana, or scrip, and in which I pay, are my vouchers.

No other papers or Vouchers, are necessary.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
[[signature]] John. C. Casey [[/signature]]
Capt. Chief C.S.

       Lieut A. P. Hill }
A.A.C.S. Ft. Church, Fla.}

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

Tampa Bay, Fla.
Feby 23rd/50


Subsistence Stores & issuing apparatus, and a corn mill will be invoiced to you by Lieut. De Russey A.C.S. Issue to the Indians during the voyage at discretion. Hard bread & rice & corn are the principal articles, and issue rice at say 25 lbs to 100 rations. Dry vegetables and molasses issue freely  Half rations of Pork will more then suffice I place on board 20lbs of tobacco from which issue as the Indians my want it. Make an abstract of Issues to Indians. (See page 1111 Sub. Regt. 184) At the end of every month to be signed by the officer in charge, who will sign the Returns, as made out and before issue and render your accounts to the Com. Genl. Sub. Washington D.C

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
[[signature]]John C. Casey [[/signature]]
Special Agent &c.
[[swirl underlining titles]]

-[[dividing line]]-

Subs Off. Tamp Bay Fla
Mar 6 1850

Lieut? See the recmmen dates of yourself & others E. of Kissimmee? the price for fresh beef to be allowed to Mr Lanier the Contractor is raised to 7½¢ a pound - to take effect from Mar 1/50

Very Respectfully 
Your Obedt set
[[signature]] J C Casey [[/signature]]
Chf C.S.

Lt Jas Zolter}
      A.C.S. }
   Ind River }

-[[dividing line]]-

Subs. Office Tampa Bay, Fla.
March 14. 1850


Your letter of 2nd with report of Stores on hand, and Invoice of Stores recd. since. Feby 28th is received.

you have authority to dispose of all surplus without awaiting orders from here.

Ship to Savannah for sale all stores that would probably

[[end page]]