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Memphis, Tenn.
Sept 6 - 1951
4461 Summer Ave,

Dear Daughter Grace:

Your nice 'newsy' letter of August 16th reached us here.  How nice that you and Gail are together.  Stay close to each other always. This crazy old world is for to lacking in family ties, love and loyalty.

You will be happy to know your father is in splendid shape - physically as well as a healthy mental outlook.

I am feeling better now. We have rented a beautiful old place, six miles out of Memphis proper. A huge yard with many fine old trees (which I love) in which birds, crickets and locusts serenade us. It is tranquil & I am truly enjoying it fully.

This is the nearest to having a home we have had since I sold my place at Lomita California in 1945.

What are we doing in Memphis? The agents at Milwaukee were