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[[boxed]] PLAYBILL(R) NOVEMBER 1999 VOLUME 99, NUMBER 11 [[/boxed]] 12 IT'S TOO DARN HOT Brian Stokes Mitchell and Marin Mazzie sizzle in Kiss Me, Kate by Sheryl Flatow [[image: color photo of woman and man dressed in black, with their eyes closed, in a half-embrace]] 20 CAROL PUTS IT TOGETHER the star of Stephen Sondheim's Putting It Together is an ensemble player at heart by Harry Haun [[image: color photograph headshot of woman with short, red hair, smiling into camera, wearing red dress and gold earrings.]] 35 ONSTAGE 76 HERE COMES THE RAINMAKER Broadway dreams come true for Woody Harrelson by Mervyn Rothstein PLUS... 4 on the aisle by Harry Haun 8 theatre quiz by Andrew Gans 32 making yourself heard: kristin chenoweth by Robert Simonson 55 how many have you seen? 60 london ticket by Sheridan Morley 62 broadway grab bag by Louis Botto 68 fashion avenue by Jennifer Lanter 70 all bottled up by Jennifer Lanter 74 a theatregoer's notebook by Harry Haun 78 celebrity choice/after theatre by Bob Edison 82 dining & entertainment 89 stage directions from the league 90 people will talk Editor: Judy Samelson, Senior Editor: Louis Botto Associate Editor: Andrew Gans Program Editors: Kevin Reardon, Keven Smith - Playbill On-Line Editors: David Lefkowitz, Robert Simonson Manager of Information Systems: Andrew Ku Staff Writers: Kenneth Jones, Murdoch McBride Photo Editor/Staff Writer: Christine Ehren Playbill On-Line Club Manager: Anne Bradley - Executive Editor, Classical Arts Division: Clifford S. Tinder - Advertising Sales: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10017 212-557-5757 General Sales Director: L. Robert Charles National Sales Director: Glenn Shaevitz Regional Sales Director: Leslie J. Feldman West Coast Sales Director: Elaine Klein Restaurant/Entertainment Sales: Irv Winick Director, Automotive Sales: Patrick E. McCaughey Senior Account Manager: Glenn A. Asciutto Director, Fashion & Beauty: Jolie Schaffzin Theatre Advertising: Joel Wyman Sales Promotions: Lilian Richman Sales Assistants: Ruthe Schnell, Charvon Davis, Theresa Darden Subscription Manager: Marie Amsterdam - National Sales Director Emeritus: Thomas A. Steinfeld - President and Publisher: Philip S. Birsh Controller: Lewis Cole Director of Manufacturing: Robert Cusanelli Production Manager: Jefferson Martin Editor, Playbill In-line/Office Manager: Bruce Stapleton Assistant to the Publisher: Marie L. Guinier Communications: Oldyna Dynowska - Chairman: Arthur T. Birsh Vice President: Joan Alleman Secretary/Treasurer: Russel Cannizzaro PLAYBILL(R) is a registered trademark of Playbill Incorporated, © Copyright 1999. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. The New York Edition of PLAYBILL(R) is published by Playbill Incorporated, 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, NY 10017. 212-557-5757. Printed in U.S.A. PLAYBILL(R) - THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE OF THE THEATRE, available monthly to subscribers for $24 per year (U.S.); $31 (outside U.S.). Opening Night service and current issues available. Inquire for details. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[advertisement]] [[image - snowflake]] All solutions should be this unique. www.ey.com CONSULTING. TAX. ASSURANCE ERNST & YOUNG FROM THOUGHT TO FINISH. TM ©1999 ERNST & YOUNG LLP [[/advertisement]]