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into wine. and [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in music the child's]] own efforts are inspired ^[[,]] when they appear ^[[,]] by a revered ideal. Taste , which sits in judgment on [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] ^[[his]] use of [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] ^[[his]] fingers on the keys or strings, is already active. Why should a childs first approach to the great world of plastic art be by way of his own pro ductions.? What can be born of this reversal of all his instincts of growth which are, to seek and enjoy, what is far out side of himself,and which alone are able to enlarge and expand, his nature. Great artists are not born out of individualism . They flourished before the theory was ever thought of. Why in plastic art should children not feel its magic first and fundamentally,before they even dream of participating, a^[[nd]] and let participation come with the humble mind and the critisal eye.