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[[strikethrough]]But[[/strikethrough]] taste will not take root in a shallow ^[[,]] meagre ^[[,]] soil. Art ,like religio will have nothing but the heart^[[']]s warmest life and energy.and it will no ^[[T]] bring forth the right to know and choose, without travail of spirit. But such a heart will have surety in it's joy ,remembering it's great moments of bestowed perception.. Does it reject and turn away.? Trust it ^[[,]] for it has gained knowledge through feeling.and will not be ^[[cheaply]] satisfied - "For I on honey-dew have fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise." All children are delighted with paint-boxes and colored crayons. They are toys, welcome to parents and nurses as quiet amusements. The children ,though these are their introduction to plastic art never confound them with other beginnings such as singing a part, or writing ten lines a about what they did yesterday. Paintbox and crayons are toys and have n no connection with that annoying governess, Concetration. Also they hav nothing to do with quickened emotions, bounding pulses. Let us couple this with a child's first consciousness of music.