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[[two pages]] 2 a thoroughly satisfactory call. I went in the room & found him standing by the table. We shook hands and said "How do you do" and he proceeded to explain that he came very near not seeing me. First they had said this, then that, then the other and even when they showed him up he was not sure I would appear. I said I could not understand why they had made all that fuss and said perhaps because we had been away and only just come back. This led to my telling where we had been and what we had seen and done, and then I asked him what had been [[end page]] [[start page]] 3 going on in London. Again this led to speaking of the sets here and I explained how as there were so few people in American Society there could be no sets. Then we spoke of English girls and he mentioned a few Americans he knew. A little was said of customs, and some on popularity. He spoke of his coming to America and I said a little about Newport. By this time his call had lasted about three quarters of an hour and he started to go. "Do you advise me to to go to America this year", he said as we both stood together. "Well", I said, "There may