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[[image of two groups of leaves]]



^[[poor sketches]]

Concarneau Aug. 17th 09.

My dear Grace,
When I came around for lunch I found your letter waiting for me. Was sorry to hear that the doctor had again dissapointed you. Everyday I so anxiously wait for news from you, that I get very little work done. Did not write to you on Sunday as I thought you would undoubtly return on Mon; went to the Station last night thinking you would arrive.
I got all our things moved around to our new lodgement yesterday, tried to be very careful with all your things, hope you wont find that I have been careless with anything. I tried to be very careful with every thing, especially with your newly washed shirt waists.
It has rained all morning and looks as if it might continue to do so for the rest of the day.
Painted in the studio this morning. tried to do the same sketch that I attempted some time ago: the one with gray rocks and blue water and a little sky: have not succeed in getting what I want to my satisfaction; perhaps it is not as clear in my mind as I think it is.
Went to wet your clay last Thurs. must do so again today or tomorrow morning; the woman asked me when my wife was going to return; she seemed very nice but a little inclined to want to engage one in conversation.
The exhibition opened yesterday, it is a pretty bad show, a few interesting sketches; my cloud study looks bad indeed, it is hung above a cheap still life of flowers which hurts it somewhat.