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^[[Sunday. X Fine]] [[preprinted]] January 8. 1 ^[[Winchester. Barbara Fernald & Eleanor Briggs called. Barbara too matter of fact & brusque to please. And Margaret soft & quiet in manners but heavy in intelligence. Oliver Hereford's poems that Papa read to her made no impression of any kind.]] 190 190 ^[[Donanhi. in Ass. Hall. He cant compare with Harold Bauer.]] 190^[[2 Painted for last time on Aunt Lucy. both hands over. Tired as a dog. Painted about 18 times on portrait]] [[end page]] [[start page]] ^[[Chinese Lilies 6 in. 10 PM.]] January 9. 1 ^[[Shopping, Winchester to see about coat & work on gym suit. Opera tickets came evening mail Stevenson's "Across the Plains" at home with Chases & ate grapefruit.]] 190 190^[[Tuesday] ][[Miss Lynn the trained nurse left. Oliver 6 weeks old next Friday 190^[[4 "Traviata" Sembrich, Rossi Bensaude. Beautifully sung but a cold opera. Great applause poor house]] 190 ^[[Aunt Lucy left for home. Oliver drew on his little slate (with my aid) bewitched with it.]] [[/preprinted]]