This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.
Transcription: [00:00:02]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
This is Sheila Parker from the Anacostia Museum; today is May 12, 1997. The person I'm about to interview is Doris Harris. What is your full name?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
Doris [[?Bernice]] Harris.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
And your birthdate?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
July 27, '44.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
And your present address?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
6815 Marshall Road, St. Leonard, Maryland 20865.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay. Uh, who were the members of your immediate family, the family which you grew up with [[tape skips]] there any siblings?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
Well, yes I grew up with--
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Your mother, name of your mother, father, and your sisters and brothers.
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
Oh, my father was Hank Gross, my mother Matilda Gross. And sisters, Rosie [[tape skips]] [[?Olivia]] Gross, Mary Gross, [[?Imelda]] Gross and Bennifer Gross.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay, I think that's... yeah... [[tape skips]]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Do any of your sisters and brothers live in the home in which you grew up in?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Do they live nearby?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
[[tape skips]] still living?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
Mhmm, yes.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay. What about the home in which you grew up in, what do you remember most about it?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
Just a, kind of a old looking house, kind of small, run down.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay. Did your family attend church?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
My mother a little bit.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay. Which church did she attend?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
St. John's, down Elizabeth.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
St. John's, okay. What [[tape skips]] [[?acts were you]] involved in as a child?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
[[tape skips]] Mostly with my sister and brother. I liked playing [[volleyball]], baseball, stuff like that.
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Were you part of any school organizations?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
[[tape skips]] Were you involved in any type of church organizations?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
Yeah, [[?]] [[tape skips]]
{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay. Anything else?
{SPEAKER name="Doris Harris"}
[[tape skips]] On a worship committee.
Transcription Notes:
I'm concerned that I'm transcribing in standard American English what might be AAVE. Thoughts?