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Transcription: [00:29:47]

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
Years ago, we had transportation, we didn't have to worry about getting there, it was a bus to take us.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
And now everyone has to drive?

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
Everyone drive, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Tell me a little bit more about your background, your family, growing up.

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
Okay, my grandmother raised me. And grandfather. My aunt Mildred, I was raised up with her as a sister.
And then Harold Chu. She adopted him. We were a happy family. Mildred, she got married and she had 15 kids and moved away. And I stayed there until I got married. And I moved away. But we all was very close. We were in walking distance.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Okay. What's one of your fondest memory of your grandmother, grandfather, and how did they meet, did they--?

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
I'm pretty sure my grandmother and grandfather probably grew up in the same neighborhood, just like my husband and I went to school together.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
She was very loving. Grandmothers, there is no love no greater than a grandparent's love. And I can remember sitting on my grandmother's lap, a big girl, and how my grandmother loved me and nourished me. Grandmother's baby, I was.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
What about that house what you grew up in, what do you remember most about that?

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
Mostly about the house I grew up in? Well my mother upstairs in the hallway and how I used to be so fidgie, and my aunts and things would always be want to spank me and grandma didn't let them do it. I was grandma baby.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
[[laughs]] When you got sick, what, was there any special remedies that your grandmother would have?

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
If I got a cold there was something called horehound tea [[both laugh]] and if our kids had worms they'd give them little spurts of turpentine! [[laughs]] Nobody does that anymore. Course we didn't had to go to doctor, grandma took care of us.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}
Holly leaves, made holly tea and we drank that.

{SPEAKER name="Shelia Montague Parker"}
Are you still in touch with your sisters and brothers today?

{SPEAKER name="Mary Dawkins "}