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INTERNATIONAL MUSICIAN OFFICIAL * JOURNAL * AMERICAN FEDERATION * OF * MUSICIANS INTERNATIONAL MUSICIAN November, 1940 LOCAL NO. 99, PORTLAND, ORE. New members: S. Frances Flett, June Fisher, Loraine Fox, LaVonne McBee, Roy W. Wilson, Frank Kekahuna, Torchy Bright, Harold Huggins. Resigned: Helen Schultz, Robert Yocum, [[underlined]] Manila C. Davis. [[/underlined]] Exempt: Basil W. Signor, Arlene Brown, C. W. Feely. Life member: A. M. Schuff. Transfers deposited: W. R. McClelland, 76; Nick Esposito, 537; Dale Brown, 47; K. V. Ragain, 105; Dan Uhey, 73; Don Fiala, 105; Edw. Downs, 315; Earl Watson, 439; Dean Nightster, 540; Hugh Miller, 423. Transfers issued: Carl M. Barton, Frances Pozzi, Darrel Layne, Paul Coates, Keith Fender, T. Hoglund. Transfers withdrawn: Nick Esposito, Dan Uhey, Don Kinch, Virgil Dimond. Returned: Sunny Williams, Darrel Layne, Eddie Flenner, H. Kassebaum, Clarence McDonald, Ralph Rosenlund. [[membership card]] [[preprinted]] DUES ARE PAYABLE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE 1937 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 1937 M ^[[Manila C. Davis]] IS A MEMBER OF Musicians Mutual Association Local No. 99, A.F. or M., Portland, Oregon L.D. STAATS, Secretary 25 CENTS FINE DURING SECOND MONTH OF QUARTER 50 CENTS FINE DURING THIRD MONTH OF QUARTER 51 [[image: insignia]] [[/preprinted]] [[/membership card]] [[membership card]] [[preprinted]] DUES ARE PAYABLE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE 1938 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT 1938 M ^[[Manila C. Davis]] IS A MEMBER OF Musicians Mutual Association Local No. 99, A.F. or M., Portland, Oregon L.D. STAATS, Secretary 25 CENTS FINE DURING SECOND MONTH OF QUARTER 50 CENTS FINE DURING THIRD MONTH OF QUARTER 51 [[image: insignia]] [[/preprinted]] [[/membership card]] [[emblem]] NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC [[/emblem]] [[receipt]] [[preprinted]] Boston, Mass. ^[[June 12]] 19 ^[[23]] $ ^[[10.00]] Received of ^[[Manila Davis]] ^[[Ten -- ]] Dollars/100 ^[[a/c Diploma]] [[faint image of stamp]] RECEIVED PAYMENT JUN 12 1923 NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC]] ^[[L]] [[/preprinted]] [[/receipt]]