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[[image -  - four biplanes flying seemingly fast with faint shadow of a knight riding a horse in the background; signed CLAYTON KNIGHT]]

Designed by Captain Clayton Knight 


TRACE aviation's progress and you will find its greatest contributing force has been participation in the aircraft competition. For, from the technical knowledge such competition has produced, the aeronautical industry has materially profited. The National Air races, being the most magnitudinous factor in this endeavor, have demonstrated their invaluable worth beyond any question of doubt.

The National Air Races of 1931 will inaugurate the second decade of these most colorful and awe-inspiring sporting events. It is reasonable to expect that the next ten-year period will establish a new era in the development of flight in all its phases, the major phase being the fostering of even greater sporting competition.

Towards that end the events for the National Air Races this year have been designed. They represent a careful study not only of past National Air Race projects, but are the result of discussions and recommendations made at Contest Committee zone meetings, as well as the suggestions and recommendations of the aircraft industry at large. They have been compiled with full knowledge of industry's present needs and requirements, towards the end that they may best serve its interests.

That this year's air classic may make significant contributions to the advancement of aviation and add another interesting chapter to its now fascinating history is the fondest hope of the Contest Committee and Management of the National Air Races. This Schedule of Events is accordingly submitted with a sincere invitation to participate.