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(8)In all closed course events where there are less than four entrants in a class on the stating line ready to start, no race will be declared as to that class, and the entry fee will be refunded, provided entry has been made on or before August 19, 1931. In all derbies, five entrants shall be required.

(9)No part of entry fee will be refunded to any one entering any event after August 19, 1931.

(10)Entry money will be refunded to any entrant for any event where he or she is unable to compete in the event, by reason of damage to the airplane over which he or she has no control, provided entry was made prior to midnight, August 19, 1931.

(11)No refunds of entry fees will be made until September 8, 1931.

(12)Any entry which contains a false statement shall be considered null and void and the entry fee shall be forfeited.

(13)Unless there are four entrants on the line ready to start, and starting in any event, or in each class if there is more than one class in the event, there will be no race as to that class and no prizes will be awarded.

(1)There will be three prizes in each event, paying 50, 30, and 20 percent of total cash prizes for the event or derbies.
In the event of a tie, the tie will be flown off (pylon course) in a manner satisfactory to contestants involved. 
There will be no duplication of prizes.

(1)It is required that pilots and crew in all derbies be equipped with parachutes. It is also desirable in all other events.

(1)The Contest Committee specifically reserved the right to reject any entrant or exclude any entrant for cause at any time, and without any obligation to rejected or excluded entrant or to anyone because of rejection or exclusion. Entry fee will be refunded.

(2)Among grounds for rejection or exclusion will be:
(a) Fraud in representing, by his or her entry or attempted entry, that the plane, motor or pilot is qualified to compete in that specific event when the facts are otherwise.

(b)Failure of plane, motor or pilot to be qualified to compete in event in which entry is sought or has been made.

(c)Plane, engine or pilot being in an unsatisfactory condition to compete, having due regard for safety of plane, engine, pilot, mechanic, public or other contestants.

(d)Unfair or reckless competition, resorting to methods in competition that are unsportsmanlike.

(e)Disobedience of F.A.I. Rules or the published Rules of the National Air Races of Cleveland, or the Department of Commerce Air Traffic Rules and Regulations.

(f) Authority is vested in the Referee of the National Air Races to reject of exclude entrants in any race or races which in his mind are overcrowded. In the exercise of such authority, selection shall be made in accordance with the order in which the entries were received. 

(3)The right to exclude any contestant in any event is vested in the Referee of the National Air Races and will be exercised at the starting or control points of any of the derbies. The chairman or referee of any derby may exercise this authority over the derby of which he has control.

(1)Each plane shall have a racing number assigned it by the Contest Committee, which number will be assigned in order of receipt of entries. This number shall be painted on the bottom surface of the right, lower wing and on each side of the fuselage, clear of the wing, in characters as large as possible. It shall have no other numbering over twelve (12) inches in height.

(2)Entrants will be permitted to have advertising on their planes, providing that such advertising does not in any way obscure the racing number or the Department of Commerce number and meets with the approval of the contest committee.

(1)The right to protest is possessed by contestants only; the proper officials of the National Air Races of Cleveland however, may always act by virtue of their office, even when no protect has been files (F.A.I. Rules No. 208).

(2)Protests will be considered only when presented in writing and accompanied by the sum of $25.00, which amount shall not be refunded unless the validity of the protest is recognized.

(3)Protests on eligibility of plane, engine or pilot must be filed before the start of the race. This does not prevent the contest committee from disqualifying on the ground of ineligibility after the start of the race.

(4) The prize won by the contestant who is involved in a protest shall be withheld for 48 hours after a final decision has been rendered concerning such protest.

(5)The parties involved in a protest must be duly summoned and given a hearing within a period of time determined by the Contest Committee of the National Air Races. If they fail to present themselves at the time fixed upon, they may not plead such absence against the decision that was rendered in the case.

(6)Notice of rejection of a protest shall be given immediately in writing to the protestant at the address which must be set forth in the protest itself, or such notice be immediately delivered to the protestant in person.

(7)Appeal-Pilots may appeal from decision of the local Contest Committee, to the Contest Committee of the National Aeronautical Association whose decision shall be final. This appeal must be in writing and accompanied by $50.00, which amount shall not be refunded unless validity of protest is recognized, and must be made within 48 hours after the decision of the local Contest Committee is announced.

(1)The National Air Races of Cleveland, Inc., will not bear the hotel or living expenses of any visiting pilot, passenger or mechanic. It is felt likely, however, that at many derby control points, hospitality may be extended by the local committee. 

Assumes no responsibility or liability in case of accident or damage to any person or aircraft.
