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Presenting – AVIATION'S CLASSIC FOR 1931

Inaugurating the Second Decade of the Nation's Most Colossal Sporting Event
[[image - photograph of building and field]]
Dedicated to Broadening the Interests and Widening the Horizons of American Aeronautics

FROM the art of flying a great industry has emerged.  From experimentation and research marvelous strides have been made in its march of progress.  Each year aviation witnesses new developments and improvements that strengthen its position in the field of commercial transportation.  And each year the National Air Races stand out as the greatest contributing factor in stimulating this growth and progress;  for sporting aviation has proved itself parent to aeronautical development.

These colossal air spectacles, conceived and dedicated to the advancement of aviation, present a complete cross-section of aeronautical accomplishments of the year preceding, not only to the industry but to the public as well.  They offer the most colorful, fascinating and intriguing events in the field of national sports.  For, here aeronautical inventive genius is matched, while the results of experimentation and research are introduced and new standards of stability, safety, endurance, speed and serviceability are established.

Since their inception eleven years ago, the National Air Races have become as much an institution to aeronautics as the Kentucky Derbies are to horses, the Indianapolis Speedway races to automobiles and the Gold Cup races to motor boats.  They are now destined to eclipse in magnitude and magnificence any enterprise of a like nature ever before presented.  Held and conducted under sanction of the National Aeronautic Association, as a means of fostering and stimulating greater interest in American aeronautics, these annual national events are highly competitive and include military as well as civilian participation.  The meeting of Army, Navy and Marines on a common ground for demonstration flying, assures a most interesting, entertaining and educational program, while the nation's crack flyers, in vying for valuable trophies and cash prizes, guarantees thrilling and entrancing moments during their daring performances.  Every minute of the varied daily program offers a wide panorama of engaging interests, to say nothing of the nightly performances which will be extravaganzas in themselves.

The National Air Races gain greater favor each succeeding year because of the ever increasing interest in aeronautics, for, here the public is offered an opportunity to view aircraft of every description, visualize its accomplishments and marvel at its performance.  Rightfully so, because aviation today is everybody's business.  Flying, as an integral part of the vast system of transportation, is a recognized public servant.

As a fitting setting these annual air classics will be held in an especially constructed stadium at the Cleveland Municipal Airport, universally rated as one of the finest in the country.  Situated about nine and one-half miles form the center of the city, it is easily accessible over many excellent roads and by several fast transportation systems.  Here, the permanent racing plant rises as a shrine to aeronautics.  Grandstands approximately one-quarter mile long will comfortably accommodate thousands upon thousands of spectators, who, through the carefully turfed racing area, will not be annoyed by dust and dirt usually prevalent at airports.  Facilities for auto parking will be most adequate.  The Administration building, in the form of a huge tower, will house the personnel directly responsible for the operation of the races.  Army and Navy buildings will serve the visiting personnel of the respective Services.  A Contest building, Pilots' quarters, in addition to other innumerable facilities complete the picturesque setting.

Dedicated to Broadening the Interests and Widening the Horizons of American Aeronautics

New pinnacles of achievement are expected in the scheduled speed classics. Cash prizes totaling $100,000 plus valuable trophies will be contested for. The race events will be featured by Transcontinental and On-To Derbies, straight-away speed dashes, free-for-all speed events, in addition to blimp races, autogiro races, amphibian novelty races, glider flights, parachute jumping contests, aerobatics and other innovations, inclusive of nightly flying exhibitions.

The project, endorsed by the Cleveland camber of Commerce, Cleveland Chapter National Aeronautic Association and all other community organizations, is in the strictest sense of the word a civic enterprise devoid of professional promotion or private profit. It is designed to be self-supporting through capable and efficient management and supervision.  

An aura of dignity and security will be lent to these air classics by air-minded youths; ladies of wealth, social prestige and culture; millionaire sportsmen; and the nation's foremost business executives. Here, too, will meet, as in conclave assembled, the industry's executive, engineering and flying personnel. For, the sales contacts and merchandising opportunities it offers in this select and recognized concentration point, is invaluable to the general marketing program.

Naturally, all Cleveland extends a hearty welcome to the air-minded to be present at the Eleventh Annual National Air Races to witness the glowing panorama of aviation's achievements.

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