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[[image - drawing of a small plane on ground in a stadium, pilot climbing out of cockpit, other men surrounding plane to congratulate pilot]]

NOTHING compares to the spirit that prevails in the attainment of victory at the National Air Races, for no other national sporting event approaches it in magnitude and interest. Its heroes are glorified and worshipped.

To those who distinguish themselves in the many scheduled speed events goes not only the satisfaction of victory and thrill of success, but reward and praise for its attainment. For, tense are the moments in which the records are made and gratifying are their accomplishment.

Cherished, too, are the prizes awarded these conquistadors of the air, for they represent aviation's most coveted rewards. In addition to purses aggregating over $100,000 the following trophies symbolizing definite conquests will be competed for:

Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Company Aerol Trophy
Charles E. Thompson Trophy

Many other valuable trophies make up the large number of awards for the victors in the scheduled competitions, including both derbies and closed course events. The Conquering Aeronaut-long may he be glorified.