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Transcription: [00:08:00]
{SPEAKER name="Sharon Reinckens"}
to engage in issues of race in this city of color. Talk about that and be fluid enough to talk to other folks who are directly impacted by those issues. I think it was very inspirational to me to hear people talk about what those issues meant to them and how they negotiated them in their lives and how they are teaching their children to negotiate some of that stuff.
{SPEAKER name="Eduardo Contreras (interviewer)"}
Lets see, a few questions about the festivals in general. Have you visited-
{SPEAKER name="Sharon Reinckens"}
Oh yes, festivals are great.
{SPEAKER name="Eduardo Contreras (interviewer)"}
Do you have a particular festival memory or an exhibit?
{SPEAKER name="Sharon Reinckens"}
No, I always love them though, they are great. It is the people who create the culture who are here presenting it and it is always wonderful. People are honored to come and you can feel that in the way they talk to you about whatever their work is or whatever their culture [[ not auditable]]. That's what is really wonderful, the people who come and do the presentations.
{SPEAKER name="Eduardo Contreras (interviewer)"}
Is there anything else you would like to share with me about working here or what it means to you to work here?
{SPEAKER name="Sharon Reinckens"}
No, it's just- I think it's a privilege that I had an opportunity. And I think a lot of people who work in my museum feel that way. I'm very grateful for it.
{SPEAKER name="Eduardo Contreras (interviewer)"}
Thank you so much, Sharon.
{SPEAKER name="Sharon Reinckens"}