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^[[two checkmarks]] [[stamped] MAR-2 1934 [[/stamped]] [[preprinted]] J. Chenue TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "CHENUMENT - LONDON" TELEPHONE, TEMPLE BAR 8780 10. Great St. Andrew Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, ^[[22nd February 1934]]193 W.C.2. [[/preprinted]] Messrs Jacques Seligmann & Fils., 9, Rue de la Paix. Paris. Gentlemen, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your telegram , instructing that the 3 pictures for New York are to be despatched by the "American Banker" , and I am shipping accordingly. I enclose herewith copy of the Consular Invoice for your files and the original, together with the Bill of Lading, are being sent to Messrs Hirshback & Smith , New York with instructions to clear and deliver to the order of your New York House. Awaiting the favour of your further esteemed orders, I beg to remain, Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, [[signature]] J Chenue [[/signature]] ^[[hand drawn upward-pointing arrow]]