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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 18 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] I'm going over to Vi's - I hate to walk tho. I wish she would go to Ark. next year. I have to write to Mildred Gil for money for convention - Hope I have a good time and find something to do out there cause I don't want to come back here and work. Ruth asked Bill to take a date with Alice for the Mokan Aces dance when they were here I wish she weren't so fat. Hope she has a good time - and he too. Saw Urb today I'm glad I didn't give him the date for to-nite. I can't stand him. He has real fine fuzz on his ears. Don't guess that hurts him but all the same he's dumb. I wonder if Bob will come back? I do want to go to Wellesly so badly year after next - I'd hate for my children to think I went to such dumb schools. I want them to go to wonderful schools - even if they are the poorest people there. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 19 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] June 19 - 1923. Dad woke me early yesterday morn. and asked me if I wasn't hungry. I said no & turned over & went back to sleep - after repeating this he came again and asked me to come to the door - [[underlined]] Ha [[/underlined]]. are you broke - [[underlined]] I [[/underlined]] ] yes - Whereupon he handed me a Five dollar bill & said they would expect me at breakfast. I was sleepy but got up. Then this morning I got up too - Dad sure bribes me. He took Mother & I riding then - We passed Bas on the street - He didn't recognize me at first - then tipped his hat. I was thinking I had on the pink English print - that I had on the nite he pinned me - and he pinned it nearly up on the collar. We passed him again. I saw Louise yesterday. She looked so decrepit. I could see myself in the glass of the windshield - and I looked nice - I wonder if he noticed. I remember last summer when he pulled me out of the water when I hurt my head - and he rubbed my head - and Bob was there too
Transcription Notes:
He's 'Bos" in earlier pages. Bas seems more likely ...