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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 20 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] He looks real "apey" tho-(Bas) No John doesn't think I'm inexperienced. [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] He that [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] thot I was and he thot, or still thinks, I thot he was. I believe he likes me - because I say what I think - especially when I'm bored. He is so sweet and dignified. I smoked - He doesn't mind - He wants me to go to Ann Arbor - which means he would be nice to me and that he thinks others would like me there. I wouldn't affiliate if I went - Maybe Ruth will go to Northwestern - I do hope she does - she sure could stand it. I'm afraid she'll marry Chud - ¶ I'm tired going to town so much I'm getting to feel like "scum" for going twice a day - unless I have a date - Saw Bill & John last nite - I was so "unhep" I was rather bored with hearing jokes. Vi came & I stopped - We read George's letters he wrote me in Fayetteville. They are so clever. Looked at the Baker annual - saw pictures of Rod - Vi thinks he looks so [[underlined]] hep [[/underlined]] - His writing she says has character - damned illegible I say. She left, I read over letters - Bob's last ones, Leo's etc - ^[[paragraph sign]]Riding this am I was thinking how Mother put forth such a [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 21 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] great effort to please dad - and when he kids her she takes it so seriously. She laughs a great deal at his jokes - Dad [[underlined]] has [[/underlined]] a large sense of humor - I didn't laugh much I was just feeling. It was so eaarly [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] I hadn't begun to register yet. Dad puts forth no great effort to please mother - I wonder why she does - force of habit I imagine. I am more selfish - I wonder myself if [[underlined]] I'm [[/underlined]] pleased first. The other nite tho when John & I were parked I didn't say anything, nor did he for a long time - I was thinking - all of a sudden I realized he was there and asked are u bored? - [[underlined]] He [[/underlined]] queer, I was just wondering if you were ¶ Paid 5 that dad gave me on my Campbell-Bell bill at school - O Hell - I hate not having money. I have a new Cerise figured georgette! It is darling. I'm going to wear it to the dance with Elliott. Hope he registers on it - John will - wonder who he'll take. I'm always thinking up funny situations - What if Bob would come in the nite of that dance & be up there. I can see how he would look - Help Mother with supper - Cook isn't here.