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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 30 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] all she made two finals this spring by the way. I liked the southern girls the best - and were with them most of the time. We came back to Denver Sat a.m. Stayed at the Savoy that nite & the next day moved to the Y.W. where we are now. We want to stay here this summer so have to work - We've looked all over - and have decided now to wait tables at the Y.W. If we do we have to move to the roof - but we get $30 a mo. besides board and room. I'm going to wait tables tonite to try out. I get 50ยข for it. It has been so long since I've had any money at all that even that will seem good. It gripes me to work - I have too much pride - I'll probably only stay here a while - I like ease too much - It make me appreciate money more tho - I'll forget it soon tho. I want to forget it. Some boy came to see Alice yesterday & he introduced us to the cutest boy. He's darling. It makes Denver [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] [[underlined]] January 31 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] not look so bad after all. They are going to take us to Eliches Gardens some time this week - notso bad. I do need some attention I'd have it at home I know - How can I go back to Arkansas and not have hardly any dates? If I can work this summer maybe I can go east with Alice next summer and work - Chataqua N.Y. is a college town and everyone that works there are college people Sounds good. Lately I've read: [[underlined]] Black Oxen [[/underlined]] - Gertrude Atherton, style, supercillius - poorly done. [[underlined]] Alice Freeman Palmer [[/underlined]] biography, written by her husband - historical [[strikethrough]] rather [[/strikethrough]] & [[strikethrough]] than [[/strikethrough]] an insight to a "life beautiful" - Mid Victorian in material. [[underlined]] The Fool [[/underlined]] - Gray - orthodox - very spiritual trying at times but well done. Have [[underlined]] Faint Perfume [[/underlined]] by Zona Gale, [[underlined]] One of Ours [[/underlined]] by Willa Cather, and [[underlined]] Town & Gown [[/underlined]] by the Montrose's - here to read.
Transcription Notes:
Eliches Gardens = Elitches Gardens