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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] February 1 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] I'd marry a man who had 1. plenty of money. 2. intellect. 3 sense of humor. 4. accurate insight into charater and having this was [[double underlined]] truthful [[/double underlined]]. 5. physically fit. No one has come up to it yet - maybe I'll cross out half of them. Oliver has the 5th. I wrote Oliver and told him he was too young to play with me. He'd get hurt. He may have already Don't guess he'll answer. Rod has 2, 3, 5. John has 2, 3, 5. Bob has 1, 2, 4, 5 JLW has 2, 3, 4 [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] - but he isn't among 'em I'd like to meet him out of Fayetteville I think we could have a good time together. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[strikethrough]] [[preprinted]] [[underlined]] February 2 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] [[/strikethrough]] July 13 - I just wrote a six page letter to Mr McNair. I enjoy writing letters to people that I think will appreciate them - so I took great pains to make it clever and interesting. I called Mrs Adams today and she promises to show us a good time as soon as her car is overhauled. Mountain trips Elitches Gardens etc. Alice got a job yesterday - [[strikethrough]] we got [[/strikethrough]] Making Cash at a grocery store - at $15 a week - we moved to the roof yesterday so our expenses are only 6.10 a week. I havn't any work yet. I waited tables once. Cora Kent came in. She was horrified to see me waiting tables. - then we got in the same dressing room she was in when we moved to the roof. She still thinks its just a joke and the family is rolling in money. I've gone so long without spending money - it seems so