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[[preprinted]][[underlined]] February 9 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] I rather want to go home week after next. I miss John. He wrote me a darling letter. Ruth has been dating him - I'm not jealous - but I miss his sense of humor - It will take $25 for pullman, meals & hotel bill on the way home. Where will I get it - guess I'll work for two weeks - Dad will probably send me some more money - Too, I have to go home to persuade Frank to go to Ark with me - and & talk dad into letting us take the car[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] with us. It would sure be grand if we only could. There is a KE [[kappa epsilon]] dinner dance at, Frontdale in the Pines Wed Nite - don't know who I'll go with. Spose Floyd. Jimmy a KE is taking me to Lookout next week. [[underlined]] Not Putting out [[/underlined]] We are going to [[underlined]] The Bad Man [[/underlined]] tonite. I havn't laughed for so long!!! [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] August 26. [[/underlined]] [[preprinted]][[underlined]] February 10 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] How terribly young I am! I wish I would grow up & would quit, seeing today as folly what I tho't yesterday to be animation or something of the sort. I'm home. Naturally readjustment. The crowd has really plumbed the depths - as John says - I'm crying - God knows why. It seems that some inner craving for beauty is so unsatisfied. I went in Violets a few minutes & read some poetry this evening. It [[underlined]] got [[/underlined]] me as usual. John rode with us. I revolted at the low forms of art. At times I was a part of it - in main I looked on. Reaction to thots of my first day at home. I tho't - Lord, what I've been missing - There is Nothing