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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] February 11 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] like freedom of speech and an appreciative crowd - and John too - Ruth told me confidentially that John asked her to take off the ΣΦΕ pin & put on his. He may have & he may not have - but at any rate he has rather made a fool of himself in my estimation. I still have on the KE pin. He noted it tonite - I'm sorry I told him I was sending it back in a few days for it is none of his affairs what I do. Once I noticed his white teeth gleaming in contrast to his tanned face - at such times there is a sensual appeal - I've decided there is no other. I'm sick of superficialities I don't like Rod or Gale or Jack - I just want them for appearance's sake - What do I want? [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] [[underlined]] February 12 [[/underlined]] [[/preprinted]] Alice and I worked at Troutdale in the Pines a summer hotel 2 weeks - I found out what real labor was - I enjoy saying so now - Gale Batley was the crush there - Nebraska Delt--charming--demure pensive--good dancer, eligible in all - but a business man. We parted with promises to write & that he would drive down Xmas hollidays. He would take well here. Damn my youth - but in such a fit as this I can't burn my bridges - it would mean lowering myself to rebuild them. Went thru Wichita to see Rod - another thorn in my side at present - there had been only mental attraction - It continues but the physical [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] was also present - It was mostly an experiment - Why did I do it.