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343 May 6 - Sunday, Rangoon We drove afterwards to Alfred & Lorraine Strauss' for dinner. I was so emotionally tired after the day - I was almost asleep at the dinner table. She is very pleasant. Talented too - with the direction often theatre. They are leaving in April to be home May 18th for their daughter, Anne's wedding. She asked me to come to the affair - which was charming of her. Monday, May 7th. 9 AM. Went to see Jack Kinneman at his office. Spent two hours looking over geological photos of the country which are wonderful subjects for abstract paintings. He was kind enough to give me over 25 of them which I thought I could use. Then to Pan American again. They are trying to reschedule my flight direct to Rome without extra cost. Afternoon, worked on Dorothy's 344 Tues. March 8' portrait - plus four small oil landscape sketches. Terribly tired today. Need more rest. - Thank heavens - at 7 o'clock, immediately after dinner I went to bed. -Josyia. Alsop Tuesday, March 8th Letter home is - Am Drove to Thadee Barue's home to hear Bradia Hacoken report on her expression in America. She is intelligent, modest & sympathetic. She actually repeated what I had already heard from David previously, but cited various personal experiences. It was worth while. Drove her home & took back the double portrait I had done to do a little retouching. After lunch - worked on U Nu's portrait: home at 6 - Am reading an article on Joseph & Stew art Alsop in the Oct. '54 issue of the Reporter. Some facts I want to note. because I hope to be in touch with him in the future. - Joseph Wright Alsop, Jr. age 45, New England proneis family, raised in Connecticut. Their column has appeared since Dec. '45. Harvard graduate with Oxford accept. In his post college years, he sat at the feet of the