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practically dozed off while Louis & he were talking over their program - but at 10 P.M. I suggested Bob pose for a drawing. He was glad to do it- and I worked till midnight Did an interesting study & a pretty good drawing of him. And so to bed.

Sunday, March 13th.

Am - Started at 8.30 to work on U Nu - practically finished. Everyone urges me to leave the second portrait in black & white. It is impressive, framed. & I think I will take advice for once.

At 10- Louis took color photos of the canvases, which Bob will take to Washington & have developed for me. At 1 - Mary Caudle for lunch. Went for a drive with her for an hour & got back at 3 - Worked on wash portrait of Bob - which I started last night. I don't know whether he will be able to take it home with him -

At 5.30 - we are to go to see a 


film of Upper Burma - Elephants at work.

During the drive I was struck again by the atmospheric light condition caused by the heavy dust - which rises 1,000 ft. into the air. The landscape is never clear - always in a haze - which again reminds me of the reason for their artists love of Impressionism.

Saw people bathing in the lake - men, women & children. They bring soap & wash - as well as the family wash. Every kind of costume & headcovering - towels of all sizes, colors & thicknesses - or else just a rag draped nonchalantly over the head. Burmese, Indian & Chinese - all in brilliant color - or in greyed whites - wonderful against their Brown skin. These highlighted as always with the inevitable porigyi costume in all shades of yellow & orange with their Indian red umbrellas & black jars of rice.

In evening - at 9, went to farewell party for Bob & myself given by Gertrude & Irving Swerdlow.