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This was after attending a tea party & film showing of Burma together with Bob - Louis, Dorothy & the children at 5.30. The film showed the water festival in color - with its various floats - colorful costumes, dancing, singing. U Nu was shown several times. He is most photogenic & looked as charming as he really is. Louisa got all excited (this was her first movie) & called out U Nu - U Nu! The tone of her voice & the fact that the baby had recognized him made the audience laugh with appreciation.

The evening at the Swerdlow's was quiet & pleasant. Only outsiders were the Hacohens. At midnight we all accompanied Bob to the airport to see him off. With his luggage, of all he things, he carried a wicker basket containing a few toys & the pièce de resistance - a paper bird, which he had wrapped as carefully as the jewels he had bought. Incidentally - some fine rubies & sapphires. Lucky Mary, with a man like Bob.



Monday, March 14.

Letter home - sending it off Tuesday. 

11.30 AM - finished painting Mrs. Gor-Booth. She came back at 3 o'clock with (Paul) the Ambassador to show it to him. They liked it & seemed very pleased. When I said goodbye, he told me - 'we will send you a gift from England.' - Charming.

After lunch, drove to Pan American again about my tickets.

Worked & finished (?) U Nu in the afternoon.

Forgot to mention a visit from Mrs. Rose Tan Thou - who had left me the gift of small sapphires. I asked her, as a return courtesy to come to pose for me on Thursday morning at 9.

Quiet evening. Ander Nicoletti came by to ask me to dinner. I was tired & refused - but got the address of his friend, the gallery owner, Mrs. Vienotti & of his father, Prof. Nicoletti.

Had a long talk with Louis after dinner about the future. He urges to me take a studio & to go in for portraits on a big scale. Hope I will do it.