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Mary Candle

Wednesday, March 16th

9 AM to 10 = finished second portrait of U Nu. Louis will try to sell it to the Burmese Ambassador to Washington. Mr. Barrington - or else keep it. From 10 to 12 = worked on an oil on paper study of a Kachin woman, which is one of two I will leave with Louis & Dorothy as gifts.

Mary Candle came to lunch at 1= after which I drove with he to her apartment with her portrait - which she wants hung before the party she is giving for me tomorrow night. After we decided where it should be placed - she brought up the question of the price. She wanted to pay 850 instead of 355 which we had agreed upon - although she would have to pay for it in installments. I was touched by her appreciation & told her that I knew she could not easily afford to pay much more. 'May I pay as least 500 - I feel the painting is worth so much ore,' she said. To make her happy I told her I would accept 400-


Joseph & Beatu Welsing    
Wed. March 16-

We both kissed & were happy.

At 2:20 - to [[Aluya's?]] to look at the photographs he had taken fo the canvasses. They will be a nice record - & I am pleased that Bracha wants to use the reproduction of U Nu for her article about him for Israel. I will have it translated to Yiddish & perhaps have Dingold publish it in the 'Day'. From there - on to Pan American - & final plans for the Trip. Will chance Cairo from Karachi. If there is any delay on the flight - I will simply stay on the plane & go direct from Karachi to Rome. As it stand now - there will be no extra cost to the trip. I hope every thing works smoothly & I will make connections.

At 5.30 went to visit Joseph & Beatu Welsing. Their greeting was so friendly & warm! "Dear Anna! We are so glad you came! Joseph just brought home their gift for you with we hope you will like."

It was two lovely silver Bermese cups. - a charming remembrance. Beatu was not feeling well - in the first stages