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Thursday, March 17

Mary Caudle.

Was glad David & Bracha had come as well as Fritz Schumacher, with whom I had quite a talk on Buddhism. The Nelsons, Lichts & Swerdlows were the other guests, plus Mr. Cooper, Louis' secretary. Again, Marie surprised me this time with a lovely gift of spinels (30) all different colors. They are supposed to be saphires. Oh yes, Tamara & Macarthur were there, too. She had bought me an Italian beaded necklace - sweet gesture. I am still worried for her, she looks too fragile to me. I do hope she gets to Italy or away anywhere - where her health will improve. - Moving to make one's goodbyes.

Friday, March 18th.

AM - To India Air LInes.
Appointment with U Nu at 3 o'clock. My trips in India - from Calcutta to Delhi & Delhi to Karachi not yet confirmed. Won't know until tomorrow morning whether I leave at noon or not! 

Spent two hours with Louis getting 


U Nu -   [[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]] Friday, March 18-
gift & final sitting

my departure papers & tax papers in order.

At 3- Louis & I took the portraits to the P.M.'s home. U Thant, his personal secretary had a photographer there who took photos of U Nu, the portrait & myself.

During the sitting, which lasted more than an hour, U Nu had a photographer from Life Magazine photographing him. (I don't know whether I was included in the shots or not.) Louis meanwhile discussed the recent flurry over the financial situation - on which they both agreed. U Nu was pleased with & accepted Louis' prepared statement for the Cabinet & the Intn! Press.

After the sitting, an elaborate tea was served - sandwiches, meat patties cakes & cookies with icecream. The conversation was light - about the cinema actresses, "it," Marylin Monroe, etc. Switzerland in general, because of the photographer. Then, U Thant brought in an aluminium