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Walinska on any plane bound for Karachi on the 24th March '55, which will arrive in Karachi in time for the SAS Karachi - Cairo plane leaving Karachi at 11.25 P.M. on the same day.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Maung Thant.

Office of the Prime Minister.
Union of Burma Economics & Social Board.

The third time U Thant came, I was resting again & for a third time - which I regret deeply, missed seeing him. He had brought the photographs the photographer had taken of us with the portrait. They are simply terrible, both of me & the portrait. It seems I am not fated to have a good photo of myself with U Nu - and it is a disappointment to me. It would have been such a happy souvenir for me.

Leaving this evening at 7.35 for Delhi


Flight to Delhi   Saturday 19th March

Sat - March 19th -

(Glad I thought to take photographs of myself with the people of Louis' compound. Lovely souvenir for me.)

Drove to airport to get British overseas service - BOAC. Called British Overdue Service, it was so late. Waited in Airport from 6.20 till 8.-  Mary Caudle, Rose Tun Tha, Dr. Tun Thiu, Ambassador Joseph Welsing who brought me a pretty bouquet which Beata had arranged & Bracha & David. All good friends shed this time, thank heavens, no tears. I showed them the lovely star saphire Louis had given me as a parting gift. I had left with him as a gift - the second portrait of U Nu & the portrait drawing of the children to be sent to Betty & Charles, & two oil on paper studies - both of Kachin women 9x14. One quite abstract - Red, blue gold, wh. & black - The other, a tighter, more realistic head of a woman in headress with pipe. They will be framed & hung on either side of the U Nu canvas. Also left ten large original charcoal sketches of U Nu & of Lucy & charcoal drawings of