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Delhi Sun. March 20-

whether grass, stone or hard mud. Space is so cramped. 6 ft. can contain 4 to 6 businesses. A man sits out in the open at a typewriter with a sign, lawyer, over his head. Next to him, sits a man at a sewing machine at 2 ft. distance. A small confectioner's utilizes the rest of the space - & what of the dark interior? - Signs stating at least four other businesses inside, barely large enough to stand about in.

After the drive, the De Costas & I went to Frances & Wesley Adams' home. Met Hussein - who promised to introduce me to the artists of Delhi at the exhibition in the National Mus. of Modern Art- at 5, tomorrow. 

Came home, then, to the Hotel, dining in solitary splendor & went early to bed - without speaking to a soul. I needed the rest, however.



Monday March 21'

Up almost at dawn, as usual, with the birds. Went at 9 AM - to PAA office to check about my flight. While there, I spoke to Ambassador U Kyin, the darling, who managed to get me passage to Karachi, Pac. on the 23rd. It was a great relief to have the matter settled. Coming out of the office, I met a raggedy, rascallion of a type, dirty, in tatters, turban, beard & all, with eyes made up, who talked me into telling my fortune. The devil got 10 rupees (2 dollars or 2.20) for saying nothing (- I will live till 85, & die suddenly, without illness, will have 80,000 dollars or lbs. sterling come to me - Will meet someone with letter J (John) or W (for William) who may mean something to me.) He was amusing, asked me questions, instead of answering mine. His answer invariably was, how should I know, I'm not God. He talked so devilishly fast & reminded me so well of Alfred Drake in Kismet - that I do not regret his practically stealing the money...Also predicted I would come back to the East - next year or so. "People think you rich - you do not want money, only a peaceful life." "You marry only once."