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New Delhi 

Tuesday March 22'

in painting) the whole family living in one room in Bombay. This, in spite of success - first prize for his 36in x 18 ft. painting 'Earth' at Nat'l Mus. of Modern Art & commissions to do murals for govt. buildings in Hong Kong & Bangkok. He is also showing at Tokyo in the International Exposition to be held in May.

Also met there a charming couple Mr. Mrs. J. Verghese, interested in the arts. I liked the conversation I had with Husain - who told me he liked particulary Bernard Buffet of the French painters, Rufino Tamayo - who has so influenced the Delhi painters. Now I understood why Rufino had so impressed them. His work was shown in Delhi with that of Jackson Pollack & De Kooning after the Venice Biennale. As Malraux has said - only art knows no boundaries whatsoever - it is truly the international language.

Came back to the hotel at 7


New Delhi

(Derkjan Dyk.)    

Tuesday, March 22.

& had tea with Dyk. Showed him my photographs - which he liked tremendously. Found the recent work, powerful & personal. Spent the rest of the evening with him. Dressed for dinner. Dyk looked wonderfully impressive - 6 foot 6 in white, topped with his blond hair. He has a surprising grasp & maturity - thinks with the sensitivity of the artist. Made me aware that he also feels like one. He made the last two evenings of my stay in Delhi completely enchanting, with his romantic charm.

This, quite apart from the honesty & frankness which he showed talking of his life, his work, studies & how they had affected the relationship between his wife & himself. There had been a strain & he believed it would work out. They've been married 7 yrs & have two lovely children, a girl of 6 & a boy of 3 who suffers seriously from rheumatism. It is one of the main reasons they want to stay in the East. The climate is good for their little boy.