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Karachi - Cook's

incredible such a mistake had occured, since both Mr. Al Long, Mgr. of PAA. in Rangoon (who had worked with his best man Mr. Frank Quinn on it) and Mr. Kronenberger, Mgr of SAS in Rangoon, had assured me everything was in perfect order & for me to proceed on my way. Otherwise, I should have remained a longer time in Rangoon & flown directly Karachi-Rome. (Incidentally, Mr. DeSousa of PAA - tried his best & got together with Mr. Patel of SAS. on the matter) As a matter of record, I registered a complaint with both Mr. Winney of Cook's Travel Ag. in New Delhi, and Mr. J. H. Low Gordon of Cook's in Karachi. I told him I had been in tears & ill with worry over the humiliation & indignity & worry over [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] the matter - plus the loss of time & aggravation involved. I was at the airport till 2.30 without lunch, then directly to Cook's & SAS in town & did not get back to register at the hotel till 5.45. Mr. Patel, of SAS, has promised to arrange the trip per schedule to Necocia, considering me, in transit to Rome.




I have to call him at 4 P.M. to check on the flight, as he is arranging (or has promised) to book me on till Rome, should there be any delay or trouble in Cairo. I have every intention of suing Cook's for the worry, humiliation & indignity, because of their serious error, inexcusable, of placing an Israeli visa in my passport.

Washed, bathed, washed my hair & had (my own) a luxurious manicure. I hadn't had time to do it in Rangoon. Dined at 7.30 & then hired a [[strikethrough]] tryci [[/strikethrough]] tricycle to ride about in for an hour. I took a little boy, who works as a bellhop in the hotel, an orphan of ten, who lives with his big brother's family, who sat with me & acted as guide - to the extent of "Flowers - Fruit - Shoes - 'maskit' - & telling the driver to go 'silow' for me. Dyk had told me of the poverty of the city - still, I suppose, I am already accustomed to these sights & even find beauty in the way of life. The poorer section & the markets, the small streets, black shadowed alleys, children solitary beggars in beautiful tatters, majestic in types sitting simply in the dust, exploring