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March 25th  

Nicocea, Cyprus

the hotel. Pleasant surprise after all my worry. Washed up & went to sit out on the terrace facing the Cyprus Mountains. Strange to see the mountains & feel the cool clear air. Strange & not good. I already miss the East, the sights, color & smells, civilization is a terrible let-down - cold, unimaginative, without flavor. Where are my beautiful people, the warmth, their majesty, their sublime human dignity? Lost & lost to me - I hope not forever.

As I sat on the terrace thinking these thoughts, I noticed a tall Englishman, in dark suit walking about, glancing in my direction, & then, suddenly - an interesting young man, medium height, fair coloring, greyish hair, beautiful blue eyes, chiseled features mustache (light brown) very English, sat down, quite abruptly, almost belligerently & offered me a cigarette. He said, "I noticed that gentleman with the white collar strolling about you & I rushed over to beat him to 


Nicocea, Cyprus.
Peter & the Cyprus Hills

Fri, March 25.


He told me his work was machinery specialist in heavy industry. Travels about all over the East. Has an Italian wife of 32 & a pretty little girl of 6. Met his wife in Trieste 7 years ago & left them after 6 days. They corresponded & in his letters he asked her to marry him. She consented & came to live with him in London. Cooks only Italian food, wine at meals, etc. They speak only Italian at home. Their daughter speaks it better than English. He himself is only 30 yrs of age although his grayed hair & stooped kind of walk make him look much older. 

Invited me to sit at table with him for dinner - before which we had a cognac & a cinzano. The liquor plus my fatigue went to my head & we were very gay at table, to the extent of being noticed by other people in the dining room. Meanwhile, I was aware that he was quite attracted to me - by his manner, & found it charming. However, I said good night to him at 9.30, because