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Sun Mar. 27.

Tel Aviv   
Conversation with Israeli chauffeur

children, in particular, were lovely to see. On the way back to Tel Aviv Mr. Nich, was telling me of his past experience as soldier in the army. "We are not at all afraid of the Arabs" On the contrary they fear us & tremble. If only the Americans & British would not interfere, in two three days we would enter everywhere & take over. We are all prepared  - & what have we to lose. If the Arabs attack us, & we wait for them at home, we would be killed & thrown into the sea. Therefore, in case of an attack, as soon as notice comes over the radio, I would simply turn the car around & say, "excuse me, but I have my duty to report. There isn't a man, woman or child who knows fear & who would not be ready to fight. This is our land & our home & we are here to stay. Particularly our youth, look at them, they are fearless & happy. For them, there is no problem. Full of confidence in their country &


Sun. March 27,

An Arabian anecdote

in the future." We created this all by ourselves, retaliating whenever & wherever necessary - and our actions have born fruit. The Arabs are now in mortal fear of us. They know how to shout when they fight & are past masters in the art of cursing for hours on end without repeating themselves. But let them see blood - & they turn to water. Yes, I can tell you, we have come to know & to understand them well, you may be sure! I will give you an example, one of our young girls was strolling in the fields near the border. An Arab seized, & raped her & left her. Her brothers were not quiet. They let one - two weeks go by until they acertained without doubt who had been the culprit, and then, one evening, a group of men including a doctor, rode to the Arab village, captured this Arab - performed an operation & left him in the field. Another more brutal case, Arabs attacked a small Jewish factory, where they were working in boiling lead. 18 men & women, mostly