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484 Perugia. Thursday April 21

century, Roman, dedicated to S. Agatha;
to the splendid Fontana Maggiore 1275-
enclosed in the Piazza between the Cathedral
& the Communal Palace (much purer & finer
than the Baroque fountains of Rome) & the 
Oratory of S. Bernardino of the Renaissance;
to the Church of S. Pietro. The Palazzo dei
Priori, with the workes of Perugino, Beato
Angelico, Piero della Francesca.
Pintoricchio & Bonfigli - The wonderful 
city museum, the former Convent of 
S. Domenico which houses the prehistoric
and Christian-Roman collections which
I loved.  This beautiful city & landscape
naturally produced the gentle Perugino
and his famous pupil, Raphael. 

After lunch stepped into a Farmacia
to buy a bandage for my ring finger (slight
infection) & made the acquaintance of a young Perugino, who acted as my English interpreter. Twenty-six year old-Alberto Bianchi of 107 Corso Vannuce, Perugia, Italia. Slender, medium height, beautifully shaped

485 Perugia Thursday, April 21

head of brown hair, blue eyes and nose
mouth & shape face of the Perugian Santos. He is in the real-estate business-has his own office. His brother shares the business & also is the official art critic & journalist of the
city. His sister, after a second childbirth has developed melancholia & is still ill. He told me all this when he came to take me for a short drive in his open little Italian car between 2 and 2.45 - in time for me to make the bus. Very charming, would like to correspond - even offered to come to Firenze for a day and drive me about! It was really sweet of him-

The trip from Perugia to Florence was heavenly - the landscape and the
villages a miracle of loveliness. No wonder
Italy produced the great art of the past! Met on the bus, Arthur Callahan (Chicago
manufacturer of toys & games & his associate, commercial artist, Crandall) Arrived at the Majestic Hotel close to eight. Dinner & unpacked by 10 - too late to go out. Will bathe and retire early for tomorrow's sight-seeing activities.