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Tuesday April 26.

AM - Took a motor launch to the Academia del Arte. Splendid collection of early 14 & 15 Century paintings - handsomely installed - san cadres - just modern wood floor framing against grey & tan linen backgrounds. Beautifully effective. Some fine Tintorettos - painting 'Cain & Abel', 'Adam & Eve', His 'Martyrdom of St. Catherine' near to abstracted expressionism. The finest canvas there, Tiziano's 'Death of Christ' - wonderfully painted Rembrandtesque in greens rather than brown.

Lunch at hotel with Mulholland & then with him to the 'Campanile' 'Bell tower' where he took movies. Afterwards - alone - to the Ducal Palace - to see the tremendous Tintorettos & a splendid Veronese.

At 4 P.M. took the launch to Lido & then to Ferrovia & then back to San Marco's - All within an hour & a half.


Tuesday, April 26.

This evening, again, meeting Callahan, the Crandalls & Mulholland at Harry's Bar for cocktails & then to dinner with them. (I would have been better off without pension at the hotel - waste of money - with these invitations!) - Letter home.

Really spent a most pleasant evening. dined at Harry's Bar & then walked back to the Danielli for another drink while listening to the music in their lounge. Kissed them all goodbye. Dear People - all. I was touched, when Howard Mulholland, on saying goodnight, said, "I hope you will remember Venice, & will see me in New Jersey, when you get home." "Remember me & the "Egyptian." I feel the same." That was really dear of him. Complicated people, all of us; all with our burdens & problems. It is good to feel warm and outgoing to others. I feel it more strongly than ever before and I am glad people react to me in the same way.

Mary Crandall, 21 Russell Street, 
San Francisco, California.