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9 years old. Little George, tall, thin, blonde blue eyed, shy, treated me like an adored school teacher. All day long, he picked flowers for 'Madame' & would sit only near me wherever we were, in the restaurants & back to Rome, on the bus. Gino, the guide, who had asked me out to dance the night before, asked whether I wouldn't remain another evening in Sorrento so that he could take me out dancing this time? Well, well - I simply can't understand why, particularly. But it was charming of him, nevertheless. When we got back to the hotel, the owner (one of 5 brothers who run the place, which was started by their grandfather) was waiting for me to show me his art works & apt. Riccardo Tranontano, about 60, grey & with one wooden leg, who described himself as a lonely old bachelor, is quite a collector. The paintings are all second rate - but he has some fine old drawings, Tintoretto Perudiano, etc, & old sculptures, Pompeian mosaics & beautiful old pieces of 


April 30  Sorrento

furniture. He said he had noticed me the night before & had wanted to speak to me but had been too shy. Would I come back? I could have the royal apt. to paint in at my disposal. At 60 - he was still keeping secret the fact that he hoped to marry his lady love - from the rest of the family. I asked him to visit & let me know when the happy event took place.

Arrived in Rome shortly before midnight.

Sunday. May 1st Labor Day.

All Rome is quiet & shut down. Impossible to go anywhere. The museums are closed, the buses & taxis not running. I had hoped to go to the Piazza del (Popolo) to hear the Labor Day speeches & see the people - but had no means of transportation & was afraid to chance walking a half hour & not being able to get back to the hotel. Washed my hair, sewed a bit & put my things in order, which took a few hours.

The help in the hotel are all so