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520. Monte Carlo Wed. May 4 Came back at 6.30 - washed up & rested a while and prepared for the evening's tour to Monte Carlo. The cost was 2,500 francs (7.00), & was worth it. One had a beautiful drive of 45 minutes mounting high up the mountains - elevation 1500 feet - with a beautiful view of [[strikethrough]] Aix [[/strikethrough]] Nice, lit ut at night. Passed the ancient city of Eze (13th century) and then Monaco, owned by the Prince of Monaco where Somerset Maugham and Jean Cocteau have their homes. Here, also Rita Hayworth met her Aly Khan. Monte Carlo, the gambling Casino quite majestic looking. Like entering a Palazzo, wonderful marble, impressive entrance after driving thru a beautiful garden. Trés chi-chi & decadent as hell - the whole set-up with the people in it, the croupiers at the tables & the people making their jeiux. Some tables had high stakes, nothing less than 3,000 a card (ten dollars with stakes of 10,000 (30.00 per throw) 521 Wed. May 4 - Monte Carlo Nice. Bediamonded hands, lazily smoking & gracefully & casually handling there chips. (Spiritual sickness, it seems to me.) The drive back was charming, too. The view reminding me of Capri, Haifa & Hong Kong. A visit to two night clubs was included The Follies Club & Maxims with cocktails & Champagne served in both places. Naked breasted girls in both clubs, with lovely bodies & stupid, vacant faces without a vestige of talent showing their wares. At least Ziegfeld glorified 'It.' He had them walk - not strip-tease or attempt to dance & turn somersaults. Boring on the whole, & forced to sit there till 2 P.M. But the ride to Monte Carlo made it worthwhile. To bed at 2.30 Thursday May 5th. Up at 7 - after the sound of the waves on the shore & a beautiful view of the sea from my sea front window.