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Dec. 13th,1937

Mr. R.H. Waegen
Care Seligman and Co.
3 East 51st St.
New York
New York

Dear Mr. Waegen :--

I am sorry to have so slow in answering your note to me of November the twelfth - I was detained in New York by Mrs. Dillman's illness there and am only just beginning to get to the accumulated mail that was waiting here for my return .

When I telephoned you it was for Mrs. Dillman . Had you been in the shop she intended to drop in , but finding you were not there at the moment , she decided to wait until later on . Then she was taken ill and was able to do nothing at all of the things she wished to . I never , when I telephone like that , leave Mrs. Dillman's name as she prefers to have only her friends know that she is in town . Had you been there of course I would have given her name .

She is settled in the Palm Beach house now , as you probably know and is recovered from the attack of flue which prevented your seeing her in New York.

Sincerely Yours

( Mrs. W. Colburn Standish)
Secretary to Mrs. Dillman