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1960 FEBRUARY 13 blocks away. The girls usual gather around and talk for awhile. 9:00 School starts. Mr. Coniff our teacher is real neat. He is a baclor. Somethime he is in a bad mood. 10:30 We have a break. All we do is gather around and talk. 11:00 School starts again. We have between 3 to 2 special classes a day. Home Ecc. PE Art Music 12:00 We go home for lunch. I always go home because I live so close. 1960 FEBRUARY 14 1:00 School begins again. 4:00 School lets out. 7:00-8 I do what litte home work I have. Mr Coniff real belives in thems public speaking & His Reasher We have a dance every month that last from 7:00 - 9:00 I went with a boy named Denis for five months. He really was cute and I really liked him. It's the longest I