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Sun. July 24 1960 Dear Diary Today I didn't go to church. I choped [[chopped]] some weeds for Cindy and now I have bilisters [[blisters]]. Cindy & I finially decided that we would go to the show. We saw. House of Ushers by Poe. It was real scarey. Judy picked us up and we went to the store and then home. I finished the book. July 22. I so post [[supposed]] to go to a dance but too tired. Mon July 25 1960 Dear Diary Today I went to the Dr. My scare [[scar]] looks pretty well. I started the book, "the Diary of Anne Frank. it really is very interesting. I wrote a letter to Kathy Gall and to place where I think I can get a Pen Pal. I really would like to get one from a forign country. We saw the pictures of the Soap Box Derby. They were blury but Bob was head [[ahead]] about 6" in. It really hot these days 110. I can go swimming now O'boy.