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[[image]] AN ALL NEGRO CAST IN A VIVID AND BREATHTAKING STORY OF HUMAN EMOTIONS [[image]] A sure-fire dramatic hit of passion, love and hate with "hot-cha" music that will "SWING" you high into a heaven of rhythm! While "SWING" is strictly a heart-throbbing drama, it has a delightful thread of comedy throughout... Cora Green as "Mandy," the heroine of the story, will throw you into gales of laughter in one scene only to make you grip your seat with anxiety and suspense in the next! OSCAR MICHEAUX PRESENTS "SWING" From the Story "MANDY" AN ALL COLORED CAST Starring CORA GREEN ALEC LOVEJOY HAZEL DIAZ CONSUELO HARRIS CARMAN NEWSOME TRIXIE SMITH DOT VAN ENGLE TYLER TWINS [[image]]