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August, 6. 1890. Wednesday.

Ha, ha, old Journal I've found you at last! Lost so long, you now come to me to tell me of a few of my more youthful days. And I intend to scribble in you again.- Happy days were those, - and, in fact, how can I say otherwise than "happy days are these" - for there is nothing that should make them unhappy,-  I have been rearrangeing my papers and books and things in my drawers and ran over several old things that I had long forgotten. Oh, the notes! the school-girl notes - from Stella, Perl, Lavinnie, Leticea, Jone, Lona, Mollie, Cora, Ollie, Tina, (who are the girls all now? what will they all be?) it is four or five years since most of them were written - some are the same sweet girls - some have changed very much - how will all be in the same number of years from now?