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Some things I found - in fact almost every thing - recalled some happy time of the Past. there were the songs that we sung in school and at "last days." Then the old worn, and doubled papers with the songs on them that we sang at the Beardsley Concert. Oh, those dear old days (bless them) when we were to practise in the hall! From little tots of three or four, the girls and boys older than myself. (then, 14) how we enjoyed that fortnight of genuine pleasure, never to be forgotten I vow, by any-

Then my mind was called to the little pet lambs. Dotty, my darlingest pet that I ever owned, with his snow-white wool - all but the single, and perfectly round black spot on his side, how I loved him! I do not expect in the least to ever find any one or any thing half so fond of me as that lamb was.

How he would play for