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Aug. 9, Sat. 7.30-P.M. I have been very busy today - and still when I think of what I did it doesn't seem as though I have done much. Received a letter from Cousin Marie, one of those jolly letters of her's which always raise my spirits several degrees higher. Marie is full of her fun, but I believe that she will make a grand woman if she only will try hard enough, and I think she will, though it will be try indeed for she has her own way to cut entirely and I know that she almost becomes dis couraged sometimes. I wish I knew just how to help her, but it would have to be in one particular way or it would have no effect on my queerly constructed cousin. I shall never forget one moon-light evening, when we sat together on the floor in the bay window upstairs, and talked about many things. Marie said that there was one thing that she always had to regret at the end of every day, and that was that she always talked about herself so much. [[paper overlap/cut-off:]] [[??]]Gift his face: